Digital Assessment Center

Join 500+ customers who trust in our assessment solutions.


Powered by Jombay.


An engaging virtual assessment solution to help you
find future-ready talent.

Every organization striving to deliver the best service, products, sales, or innovations requires an extraordinary workforce. You need to identify the right candidates for your specific job role and organization. Our digital assessment platform is your compass for making better-informed talent decisions.


Streamline your processes.

Access a wide range of people rapidly and efficiently increasing the speed of hiring and development decisions.

Wow candidates and assessors.

A configurable digital platform that makes your organization stand out providing a great experience for all involved.

More diverse and inclusive solution.

Collect objective data that highlights measured, true differences between talent.

Make decisions with impact.

Accurately and consistently identify who has what it takes to help you grow your business.


Immersive. Engaging. Secure.


Participant dashboard

We have a single dashboard for participants to access a seamless integration of assessment tools from different providers.

Assessor dashboard

We offer integrated assessor dashboards to rate candidates in real-time.


A battery of assessment templates

Our industry-leading assessments embrace innovation ensuring you can confidently and accurately match the right talent, to the right roles. We provide various tools, including a broad range of psychometric, personality, skills, and cognitive assessments, case studies, group exercises, role simulations, inbox exercises, and a video interviewing platform complete with an assessor dashboard to facilitate real-time rating and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) selection, along with capturing observations.



The Simulation platform lets participants step into the shoes of a leader or a manager and tackle key people processes, and business problems. Designed to measure managerial and leadership potential, our simulation platform is interactive, intuitive, and engaging while replicating the challenges of the job. It allows different types of interactivity, including case study-based questions, chat-based questions, SWOT analysis, project allocation, and budgeting-related question templates.

The platform allows for sequential unlocking, so participants can move to the next question or scenario, only after completing the preceding one.


The Inbox platform simulates a “week in the life” of a leader. In this simulation, participants are confronted with a variety of information through emails. Participants need to demonstrate their leadership potential by working through emails presented in a simulated email inbox environment. They are expected to tackle real-world people and process challenges while ensuring that they achieve the best possible outcome in each situation.

The platform allows customization of email content, background information, profiles of people involved, and different calendar events.

 Case Study

The Case Study platform can host a variety of cases and enables assessment takers to write detailed subjective responses to questions based on the case. There are options to have plain text or SWOT analysis-based answers.

If you already have a case study, we can help to upload it to our platform from where assessment takers can read the case and answer the questions online.

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 Interview and Role Play

The Interview and Role Play platform enables participants to answer different questions provided by assessors. For assessors, the platform comes with an attached assessor dashboard to facilitate real-time rating and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) selection, along with capturing observations.

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Report generation

Assessors can choose associated smart text as a reference to efficiently populate reports and add their own observations.

Group analytics dashboard

Our platform publishes an analytics dashboard of group development areas.

Our extraordinary assessment experience. Powered by Jombay.

Happy clients…


One of the world's largest manufacturers and distributors of confectionery and chewing gum. The goal here was to identify development areas for a global cohort of senior leaders (based in Russia, Singapore, Netherlands & China to name a few).

Assessments were delivered from our digital assessment center to two target groups - Early Career Potentials and High Potentials - including a psychometric assessment, an abstract thinking assessment, an inbox simulation, a case study, a critical thinking assessment, and a leadership simulation.

A global healthcare company that specializes in lifesaving medicine and technologies. A digital assessment center was held for 150 Managers and 50 Managers of Managers to identify key development areas.

The assessment center solution included a psychometric assessment, a situational judgment test, a ManageFirst simulation, and a case study all hosted on our virtual platform. Responses from each case study were evaluated by assessors using an assessor dashboard. Additionally, behavioral event interviews were organized by client leadership, using our video interviewing platform.

An international retail and hospitality conglomerate. A standardized, scientific and digital assessment center was developed to assess new hires - Store Managers and Concept Managers.

Store Managers completed a behavioral assessment, an abstract thinking assessment, and a situational judgment test. Concept Managers completed a behavioral assessment, an abstract thinking assessment, a situational judgment test, and an inbox simulation. Saudi Arabia-based Managers completed a behavioral assessment (Arabic) and an abstract thinking assessment. Stack ranking and group trend reports and feedback were provided.


…around the world.


A therapy-focused healthcare company. To support its growth, it needed to identify and develop its top talent. We deployed a blended assessment development center to identify management potential, including individual contributors aspiring to be deputy sales managers and deputy sales managers aiming to be sales managers.

The assessment center included a psychometric assessment, the ManageFirst simulation, critical thinking assessment, and a caselet-based interview for the first level. For the second level, we used the SOSIE personality assessment, the LeadFirst simulation, a critical thinking assessment, and a leadership deep dive interview (assessed by an internal panel along with a Jombay assessor).

A revenue cycle management company focused on aiding health care providers with patient-to-payment health.

For this particular exercise, the client wanted to identify high potentials within the various groups in their organization for next-level readiness.

The objective was to find a solution that was standardized, scientific, and objective in nature and able to capture feedback from relevant stakeholders in a quantifiable manner.

We deployed a digital assessment center using a psychometric assessment, a situational judgment test, an abstract thinking assessment, and a group activity.